Workshops in the Feldenkrais-Method with Günther Bisges, May 11th & 12th, Stockholm
Spiralling the Column – Moving from the Spine (May 11th)
Pain, physical discomfort, a sense of heaviness in ourselves and a lack of ease in our movement make us realize how limited and diffused our image is of the spine as a centre for movement. We tend to be mainly peripherally oriented in our movements and actions and literally have lost our sense of centre and middle. The spine being our core relates to all of our movement: from typing at the key board to taking leaps and jumps. Through Awareness through Movement lessons (ATM’s) we will find a way to regain the sense of power and ease of our „spinal engine“. The dynamic balance between lengthening and shortening and the ability of omnidirectionality determines the healthy and lifelong functioning of our spine. These cyclical changes lead to an equal distribution of effort and the structural health of all the components involved: bones, cartilage, tendons and muscles.
Günther Bisges
Günther works as a Feldenkrais Practitioner with a private practice in London and assists in Feldenkrais Trainings in Europe and the US. He has published several articles on the Feldenkrais Method in medical journals and a series of ATM’s (Awareness through Movement Lessons) on CD for the German retail market. He created and presented a series of ATM’s for German TV and an Introduction on the Feldenkrais Method for N-TV in Germany. Günther also works as a guest teacher for the Performing Arts Academies in Munich, Hong-Kong, the Royal Dramaten Stockholm, the Laban Centre London and as a Movement coach for the Munich Philharmonic.
Registration & Place & Fee/Time
Registration & Info: Anna Lena Roune
Phone: 0730338982
Place: Bujinka, Swedensborgsgatan 7, 11848 Stockholm (May 11th)
Date: May 11. 2019
Time: 10:15 – 17:15 Sat.,
Cost: SEK 1100.- to be payed cash.
Please bring a mat or blanket to lie on!!