Effects of the Feldenkrais Method as a Physiotherapy Tool: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Abstract The Feldenkrais Method (FM) is based on the learning of alternative movement patterns, carried out in an active and conscious way, which may have therapeutic effects. The objective of...
Evidence for the Effectiveness of the Feldenkrais® Method
The Feldenkrais® method (FM) is a process that uses verbally and manually guided exploration of novel movements to improve individuals’ self-awareness and coordination. This paper reviews recent literature evaluating the...
Mindful movement and skilled attention
Bodily movement has long been employed as a foundation for cultivating mental skills such as attention, self-control or mindfulness, with recent studies documenting the positive impacts of mindful movement training,...
Effekten av träning hos friska kvinnor
Effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på kvantitativa rörelsetester hos friska kvinnor av Alfred Karlsson och David A. Shorter
Feldenkrais® method and movement education
– An alternate therapy in musculoskeletal rehabilitation
Äldres tilltro till den egna förmågan
Elderly self-efficacy to perform activities without falling
Feldenkrais® and Stroke
Effects of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement on Balance in Adults With Chronic Neurological Deficits Following Stroke: A Preliminary Study
Does the Feldenkrais® Method make a difference?
Does the Feldenkrais Method make a difference? An investigation into the use of outcome measurement tools for evaluating changes in clients.
Den levda smärtan
Den levda smärtan; en etnologisk studie av kronisk smärta. C-uppsats i etnologi VT 2011 vid Stockholms Universitet av Susanne Höglin.
Improving Sensory Motor Function after a Spinal Cord Injury
Denna text av den nyzeländska Feldenkraispedagogen Cindy Allison från 2009 handlar om Feldenkraismetoden och ryggmärgsskador.
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